
Getting things done in a big company is an art. Partnership is critical as very little happens in a silo, and if it does, it is commonly not so good for the company.

Siloed activities typically stem from a lack of desire to collaborate. This is driven by the fact that working with others can be more tedious and time consuming then executing something independently. Acting independently requires little need to build shared perspective or consensus thus you can act faster.

However, from the broader point of view of the business, siloed work is commonly found to be costly and only meeting the business needs and value of a single group.

In large companies, size is an advantage. Bringing multiple groups together with common needs provides a cost effective method to create greater value for multiple groups.

Sure, it’s hard to bring everyone together and establish solutions that meet everyone’s needs, but with the right techniques and approach, it can be done.

Everyone can share in the value story and be apart of a common vision and culture.

PS: I’d highly recommend the following article that digs into the effect of Silos in organizations: